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Christmas Decimal Worksheets

Wrapping up a term right before the holidays can bring pressure, rushed instruction, and low excitement. Student eyes glazing over, burnt-out teachers just trying to make it to their next nap or washroom break.

About 6 years into teaching, I found that I was coasting through the final days before the holidays with exhaustion and pre-made handouts. I wasn’t doing everything I could. I was ‘time filling’, counting down until the holiday break.

The end result of ‘time filling’ is boredom for students leading to classroom disruption and further need for classroom management; cue increased exhaustion and watching the minute hand tick by.

I needed to make a drastic change.

What makes time fly by? Fun!

I refigured my units, for the 103857393957th time and decided, next year would be different. I was going to plan all my math units in accordance with high student engagement, inquiry-based instruction, deepened critical thinking for my students, and finally, FUN!

I decided that the purpose of those final lessons before a break didn’t need to have pure academic intent. Fun, academic discussion in relation to the topic presented, and student engagement were my focuses and I was determined to change the classroom environment before every break.

Task one - hook students. Create a “buy in” for them. What do students love?


Hence the creation of the Skittle Decimal Worksheets! I’ve seen smarties, skittles, marshmallows and other candies used in many ways when it came to decimals and I was going to create something that worked for my room!

Now, is this ground-breaking-never-seen-before-jaw-dropping material. Nope. This is just what works for me and after the umpteenth person asked for me lessons I decided, hey, these work, and others might want to add some skittle fun to their last days.

So… here it is. My Smarties and Skittles worksheets.

Be sure to let me know what you think!!!!

CLICK HERE to grab these decimal worksheets.